A beautiful smile contributes more than just beauty because it is an important component of good general health. Every so often people looks for options in improving the appearance of their smile. Fortunately, dental procedures and especially cosmetic dental procedures continue to improve dramatically.

As a result, there is a variety of choices available and affordable which means they are no longer a luxury meant only for celebrities. There is an assortment of choices available for enhancing the appearance and health of your smile. Here are the top five.

Teeth whitening and bleaching

Brown or yellowing teeth are not appealing to the eye and may be a source of embarrassment for most individuals. Luckily, this is a problem that you can do away with quite easily. Any cosmetic dentist will tell you that professional whitening gel often reduces or eliminates tooth discoloration or stains that occur over time. The results of teeth whitening and bleaching manifest quickly and as such, you can have a beautiful smile faster.

Invisalign orthodontics

This is a convenient and simple way to straighten crooked teeth. Thin, clear Invisalign trays straighten teeth and correct an individual’s bite. Unlike metal braces, it is not easy to notice Invisalign. Invisalign orthodontics are cheaper, more convenient and more comfortable compared to braces.

For adults, treatment takes approximately one year. Cosmetic dentists confirm that general bone and gum health improve when your teeth align correctly and fit together in an ideal bite. Furthermore, straight teeth contribute to an appealing smile.

Dental bonding

This procedure involves the application of tooth-colored filling material to the surface of a tooth. Bonding is similar to veneers in that it allows the dentist to change the color, size, and shape of a tooth. The procedure is normally less costly than porcelain veneers but does not last as long and has aesthetic restrictions.

Dental implants

An excellent example of the benefits of dental technology is dental implants. They are an ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. A dental implant functions as a tooth root and anchors a replacement tooth, denture or bridge to your jaw.

When cosmetic dentists restore dental implants with porcelain crowns, they feel and look like natural teeth. Supporting a denture with a dental implant often solves many problems associated with dentures such as discomfort.

Cosmetic gum surgery

Sometimes gums recede as a result of periodontal disease or due to aging. A cosmetic dentist can adjust the amount of visible gum tissue in order to improve the appearance of your smile. Gum recession can create an appearance of abnormally long teeth.

Cosmetic dentists usually add gingival grafts to gum tissue so as to reduce the look of ‘long teeth’. Conversely, gum surgery reduces unnecessary gum tissue revealing more of the teeth and creating a less ‘gummy’ smile. Gum contouring also creates an even or symmetrical gum line.

However, it is important to note that gum shrinkage and recession may be an indication of gum disease, which has severe consequences for your overall and dental health as well. Your dentist will assess the health of your gums during routine dental check-ups and advice you suitably.