Good oral health is the cornerstone of a perfect smile and contributes to the perception of a charismatic personality. It is a crucial part of overall well-being. According to a Canadian oral health report, Oral health is part of general health with direct links between poor oral and poor general health.

The most important factor which makes a smile attractive is whiter, brighter and healthy teeth, which is supported by evidence from American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry in a survey.

Cambridge dentist can help you with smile restoration in easy ways:

1. Brush your teeth

Brushing is an important activity to avoid tooth decay and gum disease. It removes the oral bacteria that cause tooth decay and the plaque that can cause gum disease. Also, the technique of brushing is important as it ensures proper cleaning. It is recommended to brush after every meal, but at least twice is a must. The duration of brushing should be 2 minutes and electric toothbrushes can help you achieve this. Toothpaste with fluoride helps in strengthening teeth but must be done for the above-stipulated duration

2. Floss Daily

In the journey of achieving perfect and healthy teeth, flossing is also as important as brushing. It reaches the area and dislodges food debris where toothbrush does not reach.  This prevents bacterial invasion from subtle food particles you may or may not feel. Flossing is recommended at least once a day, as this removes plaque and never gets the chance to harden into tartar. It takes 24-36 hours for plaque to change into tartar, which can only be cleaned at dentist’s office.

Flossing: before or after brushing?

3. Visit your Dentist

Taking proper care of your teeth and gums is a lifelong commitment. It includes a good oral hygiene routine that you follow at home, as well as regular visits to your dentist and an overall “team” approach to your oral care. Only your dentist has the skills, training, and expertise to provide a comprehensive diagnosis about your oral health condition, and to advise you on appropriate treatment and care. Your dentist can help you establish a routine of daily cleaning and preventive visits to keep your oral health good for life

4. Nutrition for oral health

Combinations of foods neutralize acids in the mouth and inhibit tooth decay. Drinking lots of water keep your mouth moist, as saliva helps to protect hard and soft oral tissues.  Using gum or sugarless candy is alternate to eliminate dry mouth as it stimulates salivation.

Foods that cling to your teeth promote tooth decay. So, when you snack, avoid soft, sweet, sticky foods such as cakes, candy, and dried fruits. Instead, choose dentally healthy foods such as nuts, raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese and sugarless gum or candy. Don’t brush right after your meal

As far as sugars are concerned, ilength of time that you leave your teeth exposed to sweets. Excessive sugar containing breakfasts are also counted as a risk factor for gum inflammation and cavities. Coffee with doughnuts are the common quick-fix breakfast option can lead you to the Dentist office.

5. Alcohol Use and Smoking

Excessive alcohol use makes your mouth dry and leads to bacterial growth, thus causing bad breath. Alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for oral and other cancers. Studies suggest the risk of oral cancer is six times higher in those who drink alcohol compared to non-drinkers.

Smoking is also another leading cause of lung, throat and mouth cancers other than causing bad breath and gum disease. Nicotine and tar in tobacco cause staining on the teeth.  Smoking leads to lack of oxygen in the bloodstream, making slow healing of infected gums. And gum diseases are the most common cause of tooth loss in the adults. Quitting smoking can quickly decrease your risk of developing oral and general health problems.

6. Tooth whitening

It has been proved that whiter and brighter teeth can bring the most appealing smile. To achieve perfect smile and gain the confidence of bright and white teeth, visit your dentist. Your dentist can do the tooth whitening effectively just by lightening the natural color of your teeth without removing any of the tooth surfaces. You can use whitening toothpaste once the professional whitening procedure has been performed. Whitening floss can help as it improves the appearance of the teeth is by removing food particles and bacterial plaque to keep your gums healthy.

7. Cosmetic Procedures can help:

Imagine when you meet somebody what do you notice at first in them. Yes, you are right their smile, because it is first gesture exchange among people. Crooked, stained, missing teeth and tooth loss can affect your confidence.  Now a Cosmetic dentist plays the major role in all the correction procedures for most of the cosmetic (teeth related) problems.

However cosmetic dentistry is not usually covered by any sort of insurance and it is expensive. That is why it is important to take consultation with the experienced dentist beforehand any procedure. Visit Cambridge dentist for expert advice and save your cost.

Related: Smile with dentures and Smile with crowns